Warning Signs That Your Tree May Be Unsafe

Large, established trees provide many attributes to an area including shade, privacy, habitat refuge, and an attractive leafy background for your property however they can pose a risk to your home and its occupants if they are not cared for properly as they age. So, how can you tell if a tree on your property could potentially be hazardous? The list below details some signs you can keep watch for:

1) Dead Branches:

These can be identified by looking for branches that have withered, dead or no leaves covering the branch in comparison to other branches which may have healthy green leaves sprouting and growing all over. Dead branches pose a threat as they can become brittle and unstable over time and can break. Depending on their size, weight and position they could be a small risk or a large one.

2) Damaged Branches:

Branches which are broken and/or hanging down are an obvious safety hazard and should be removed immediately. They also can allow diseases, decay or insect infestations to move into the tree which could cause the death of the tree entirely.

3) Significant Leaf Loss:

If your tree has lost most of its leaves when it shouldn’t have, it could indicate the presence of a problem that is affecting the trees overall health. It could be due to a disease, insect infestation, soil problem or root zone issue.

4) Bad Structure:

This can be difficult to spot for the untrained eye, however a thinly trunked tree which has an oversized, high sprawling canopy is – over time – defying the laws of gravity, as are trees that have recently begun to lean to one side.  

5) Cracks/Splits/Holes in the Trunk:

These can indicate a problem with internal decay, structure or unstable soil.

6) Root Problems:

We can’t see the roots just by looking at the tree, however if you inspect the base of the trunk and find dark, damp spots where fungus is growing this could suggest rotting roots. Roots that are not strong and healthy could result in the tree falling over in high winds. Very wet, dense soil can also create structural instability as can recent construction or digging near or around the root zone.  

If you are unsure of the health and safety of any tree on your property, don’t hesitate to get in touch and arrange for one of our expert Arborist’s to carry out a tree assessment.