Ensure the well-being of your trees while respecting the natural environment

Safeguard your trees' health, prevent damage, and ensure a harmonious coexistence between nature and your outdoor space. With our expertise in arboriculture and pest management, we provide comprehensive solutions tailored to effectively mitigate possum and pest-related issues.

From an assessment of your property, we can identify possum and pest issues. Our arborists consider factors such as tree species, habitat suitability, and environmental conditions to develop strategies for effective possum and pest control.

Why Choose Us For Possum Guard & Pest Control?

Comprehensive Possum Guard Solutions: Receive tailored possum guard solutions to prevent possums from damaging your trees. This may include installing physical barriers, tree wrapping, or the strategic placement of deterrents to protect your trees without causing harm to the possums.

Safe and Ethical Practices: Arbor Solutions are committed to safe and ethical practices in possum guard and pest control. Our methods are designed to be environmentally friendly, ensuring the well-being of your trees, wildlife, and the broader ecosystem.

Possum Assessment and Guard Installation: Our arborists assess your property for possum activity and develop customised possum guard solutions. We install physical barriers, tree wraps, or other deterrents to protect your trees from possum damage while promoting their well-being.

Pest Identification and Control: Gain understanding of the specific pests affecting your trees. Our team develops effective control strategies, which may include targeted treatments, biological controls, and cultural practices to minimise pest populations and protect tree health.

Monitoring and Maintenance: We offer monitoring and maintenance services to ensure the effectiveness of possum guard systems and pest control measures. Our team can conduct inspections, adjusts strategies as needed, and provides advice on long-term prevention.